Housing & Redevelopment Authority

The HRA offers safe, decent, and affordable housing for low and moderate-income persons without discrimination. The HRA is committed to effective management with wise and prudent use of public funds, in providing housing options and opportunities, to enhance the quality of life in our communities. 

John Lahtonen - Ely Resident -Term Expires:  12/31/25

Margie Olson - Ely Resident - Term Expires:  12/31/25

Scott Meland- Ely Resident - Term Expires:  12/31/26

 Mark Zupec , Ely Resident - Term  Expires: 12/31/24

 Angela Campbell- Council Rep

Kristen Zobitz -Executive Director

 Regular Meetings:  2nd Tuesday of month, 10:00 A.M.  Pioneer Apartments