Ely Green Team

Ely Green Team: A subcommittee for the Green Step Initiative https://greenstep.pca.state.mn.us/city-detail/12011


Eight (8) total members with 7 voting members – 1 Council Representative, 1 Projects Representative, 1 EUC Representative, 4 at Large Representatives and 1 non-voting Planning & Zoning Administrator, majority members would be City of Ely Residents.

The Green Team committee will meet Quarterly as needed. 


Scott Kochendorfer
Non-Voting Planning & Zoning Administrator


Open Seat
Council Representative 


Open Seat
Projects Representative 


Open Seat

EUC Representative


Open Seat

At Large Representative
Term Expires: 1/31/2026

Open Seat

At Large Representative
Term Expires: 1/31/2027


Open Seat

At Large Representative

Term Expires: 1/31/2028


Open Seat
At Large Representative

Term Expires: 1/31/2028