Parking Information


 Calendar Parking

Calendar Parking is in effect from November 1 through May 31. You may park after 6:00pm each evening for the next day's calendar date whether it is an even or odd date as follows:


  • Odd date- park on NORTH side (on the side all house numbers are odd)
  • Even date-- park on the SOUTH side (on the side all house numbers are even)


  • Odd date- park on WEST side (on this side all house numbers are odd)
  • Even date-- park on the EAST side (on this side all house numbers are even)

For Example:  Today is Friday, February 4th.  You need to park your car after 6pm or before midnight for the following day Saturday, February 5th (which is an ODD date) so you would park on the NORTH side of the street or the WEST side of the avenue.  On Saturday, February 5th you would need to park your car after 6pm or before midnight for the following day Sunday, February 6th (which is an EVEN date) so you would park on the SOUTH side of the street or the EAST side of the Avenue.

If you have any questions please call the Ely Police Department at 218-365-3222.

 Free 2 hour Parking

2 hour parking is being enforced

 Areas involved are:

  • From 2nd  Ave W to 6th Ave E on Sheridan St
  • From Central Ave to 2nd  Ave E on Chapman St
  • From Harvey St to Camp St on Central Ave, 1st Ave and 2nd Ave
  • From Chapman to Sheridan  on 3rd Ave

Parking tickets can be paid at the Police Department Office with Cash, Check or Credit Card or they can be paid ONLINE at 

If you have any questions, please call the Ely Police Department at 218-365-3222-ext. 2.